Easeus Data Recovery Wizard Uninstall Mac

Start Programs EaseUS the Data Recovery Wizard Uninstall The Data Recovery Wizard Click 'Yes' to confirm the Uninstall. The Data Recovery Wizard will be completely removed from your computer automatically. If this item is not available, you can remove The Data Recovery Wizard as follows. For Mac Data Recovery Wizard Free Download. An uninstall process of EaseUS Todo Backup may get stuck due to necessary files lost or insufficient Windows Registry.

This article applies to:
All EaseUS Todo Backup Editions
Sometimes, an uninstall process of EaseUS Todo Backup may get stuck due to necessary files lost or insufficient Windows Registry access permission. This article offers some methods for troubleshooting common uninstall issues.

Backup/export task setting before uninstalling
In most case, the backup task will not be lost if you just uninstall and then reinstall it. To avoid the backup task is lost by other case, it is suggested to locate the schedule folder under the installation directory and then copy it to another place as a backup. For enterprise edition, the Import/Export Task function is easy to back up your task.

Uninstall component lost
File ‘unins000.dat’ and ‘unins000.msg’ are important to run an auto uninstall process under Windows. If either of the files loses, a message like ‘XXX file is lost’ appears and prevent the process from completing.
This error can be easily solved by downloading a new copy of EaseUS Todo Backup to another computer, and install the product on there to gain a fresh version of the required files, then simply transferring the lost file to current machine where EaseUS Todo Backup need to be removed and try to uninstall again by running 'unins000.exe' or starting from Windows Control Panel.
The files can be found in root directory of the installation path.

Always an older version detected
This issue occasionally appears when user try to re-install the product, but some traces of previous installation in Windows registry has not been completely removed after a normal uninstall. A message similar to ‘An old version detected, you are unable to install the new version’ keeps pop-up when you try to start a new install then.

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We have a specialized remove tool for this very moment. After download it, directly double click the shortcut to load the home page and click Remove to start cleaning all rest Register info. There will be a message requiring computer restart appears after the operation finished, please allow the reboot in order to activate the changes.

If the message still appears after a Remove operation and computer reboot, then it is necessary to manually delete a key value in the path below if it can be found in Windows Registry.
32bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunOnce

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64bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWOW6432NodeMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunOnce

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Usually, user is able to install the product without issue after going through all the steps above.